Southern Highlands Province

Lake Kutubu
Stunning view of Lake Kutube with its islands

Southern Highlands Province in Papua New Guinea is a land of majestic landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and historical significance. This province, known for its diverse ethnic groups and vibrant traditions, offers a unique travel experience that combines natural beauty with cultural immersion.

Geography and Climate 

Southern Highlands Province is characterized by its rugged terrain, lush valleys, and soaring mountains. The province is home to Mount Giluwe, the second-highest peak in Papua New Guinea. The climate varies from tropical in the lowlands to temperate in the highlands, with a distinct wet season from November to April and a dry season from May to October.

Cultural Richness 

The province is culturally diverse, with numerous tribes each having their own unique customs and traditions. The Huli people, known for their elaborate wigs and face paint, are one of the most prominent tribes. The province's cultural festivals, such as the Hiri Moale Festival, showcase traditional dances, music, and ceremonies, offering visitors an authentic cultural experience.

Historical Significance 

Southern Highlands Province has a rich history that includes significant events from World War II and traditional tribal conflicts. The province was also part of the administrative changes in 2012, which led to the creation of the Hela Province, dividing the Southern Highlands into distinct regions.

Key Attractions

  • Mount Giluwe: Trekking to the summit of Mount Giluwe provides breathtaking views and an adventurous challenge for hikers.
  • Lake Kutubu: Known for its serene beauty, Lake Kutubu is surrounded by lush forests and is ideal for bird watching and fishing.
  • Kagua-Erave District: This area is famous for its vibrant cultural practices and traditional ceremonies.
  • Mendi: The provincial capital, Mendi, serves as the gateway to exploring the province. It offers markets, cultural centers, and access to nearby attractions.

How to Get There 

Southern Highlands Province is accessible by air, with regular flights to Mendi from Port Moresby. Once in Mendi, travelers can use local transport, such as buses and hired vehicles, to explore the province.
Accommodation Accommodation options range from basic guesthouses to more comfortable lodges. Some popular choices include:
  • Mendi Hotel: Located in the heart of Mendi, offering comfortable rooms and basic amenities.
  • Lake Kutubu Lodge: A scenic lodge near Lake Kutubu, ideal for nature lovers.
  • Highlands Guesthouses: Various guesthouses in the highlands provide a more immersive cultural experience.

Special Features 

Southern Highlands Province is renowned for its natural resources, including the Kutubu and Gobe oil fields. The region's main cash crop is coffee, contributing to the local economy.

In summary, Southern Highlands Province offers a blend of natural beauty, rich cultural experiences, and historical depth. Whether you're trekking up Mount Giluwe, exploring the tranquil Lake Kutubu, or immersing yourself in the vibrant local cultures, this province promises an unforgettable adventure.
For more information on traveling to Southern Highlands Province, visit PNG Facts, PNG Tourism and Wikipedia.

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