Manus Province

A picturesque image of a waterfront in Manus Island

Manus Province, located in the Admiralty Islands archipelago, is the smallest and northernmost province of Papua New Guinea. Known for its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and unique traditions, Manus offers an extraordinary travel experience. This hidden gem, often overlooked by tourists, is a paradise waiting to be explored.

Location and Climate

Manus Province consists of a group of islands, with Manus Island being the largest. The province is located in the Bismarck Sea, north of mainland Papua New Guinea. The climate is tropical, with high humidity and consistent temperatures year-round. The wet season runs from November to April, while the dry season extends from May to October, making the latter the best time to visit.

Cultural Richness

Manus is home to a diverse and vibrant culture. The Manus people are known for their warm hospitality and strong connection to their ancestral traditions. Visitors can immerse themselves in local festivals featuring traditional dances, songs, and intricate art forms. One of the most fascinating aspects of Manus culture is the use of Garamuts (slit-drums) in their traditional dances, creating a mesmerizing rhythm that captivates audiences​ (Wikivoyage)​​ (GoPapuaNewGuinea)​.

Historical Significance

Manus has a rich history, particularly noted for its role during World War II. The Lombrum Naval Base on Manus Island was a significant military site during the war. Visitors can explore the remnants of the base and other wartime relics scattered around the island. The Manus Provincial Museum in Lorengau, the capital, offers a deep dive into the island's history, displaying artifacts that chronicle its past​ (Wikivoyage)​.

Natural Beauty

Manus Province boasts pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts and avid divers. The azure ocean waters are perfect for snorkeling and diving, offering a chance to see a diverse array of marine life. The rugged jungles of Manus Island, primarily lowland tropical rain forests, provide excellent opportunities for trekking and wildlife spotting​ (TravelFeed)​​ (Wikivoyage)​.

Unique Flora and Fauna

Manus is home to unique species such as the emerald green snail, which is notable for its beautiful shell used in local jewelry. However, due to its threatened status, the sale of these shells is now restricted in many areas. The island's forests are teeming with diverse wildlife, making it a haven for nature lovers and researchers​ (GoPapuaNewGuinea)​.

Getting There

Flights to Manus are available from major cities in Papua New Guinea, including Port Moresby, Lae, Rabaul, and Kavieng. The main airport is located on Los Negros Island, connected by a bridge to Manus Island. Once on the island, transportation is primarily by road and boat, with limited infrastructure outside the main town of Lorengau​ (Wikivoyage)​.


Manus offers a range of accommodation options, from basic lodges to more comfortable hotels. Popular choices include the Harbourside Hotel in Lorengau, which organizes sightseeing tours and sea kayaking, and Kohai Lodge, known for its picturesque views over the town. These options provide comfortable bases from which to explore the island's natural and cultural attractions​ (Wikivoyage)​.

In summary, Manus Province, with its unspoiled natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm-hearted people, promises an extraordinary travel experience. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or a cultural awakening, Manus offers something for every traveler. From its pristine beaches and vibrant festivals to its historical sites and unique wildlife, this captivating destination is sure to leave an indelible mark on your soul. Pack your bags and get ready to embark on a memorable journey to Manus, Papua New Guinea!

For more information please visit PNG Tourism for undated information on festivals.

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