Central Province


Lagatoi from Central Province

Central Province, located on the southern coast of Papua New Guinea, surrounds the nation's capital, Port Moresby. It is known for its diverse cultural heritage, historical significance, and stunning natural landscapes. This guide will provide you with an overview of what makes Central Province unique, from its cultural richness to its climatic conditions, notable locations, and travel logistics.

Cultural Heritage: 

Central Province boasts a rich cultural tapestry, with the Hiri Motu language widely spoken alongside Tok Pisin. The province is famous for the Hiri trade, a traditional maritime trade route where the Motu people traded pottery with the Gulf people in large, decorated canoes called "lakatoi." This cultural exchange is celebrated annually during the Hiri Moale Festival in Port Moresby, showcasing traditional dances, canoe races, and the crowning of the Hiri Queen.

Historical Significance: 

One of the most significant historical landmarks in Central Province is the Kokoda Track. This track is renowned for its role in World War II, where Australian and Japanese forces clashed in a pivotal series of battles. Today, the Kokoda Track is a popular trekking destination, offering a challenging hike through rugged terrain and dense rainforest, with historical sites and memorials along the way.

Geography and Climate: 

Central Province features a varied landscape, from coastal areas to mountainous regions. The climate is tropical, with a wet season from November to April and a dry season from May to October. The Sogeri Plateau, located about 600 meters above sea level, provides a cooler escape from the coastal heat and is a popular destination for both locals and tourists.

Notable Locations:

  • Sogeri Plateau: A popular retreat for its cool climate and lush vegetation. It's a great spot for hiking, picnicking, and enjoying panoramic views.
  • Rouna Falls: Located near the Sogeri Plateau, these falls offer a breathtaking view and a serene environment for nature lovers.
  • Port Moresby Nature Park: An ideal place to see native flora and fauna, including tree kangaroos, cassowaries, and birds of paradise.

Getting There: 

Port Moresby, the capital city, serves as the main gateway to Central Province. The city is accessible via Jacksons International Airport, which connects to various domestic and international destinations. From Port Moresby, you can travel by road to different parts of the province. The Sogeri Plateau is accessible by a scenic drive from the city.


Central Province offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels in Port Moresby to guesthouses and lodges in more remote areas. Staying in local guesthouses can provide a more authentic experience and an opportunity to engage with the local communities.


Central Province is a destination that offers a blend of cultural heritage, historical significance, and natural beauty. Whether you're trekking the historic Kokoda Track, exploring the lush Sogeri Plateau, or participating in the vibrant Hiri Moale Festival, Central Province provides a unique and enriching experience for travelers. Plan your visit to immerse yourself in the diverse culture and stunning landscapes of this captivating region of Papua New Guinea.

For more detailed information, you can visit PNG Tourism or Agoda's Central Province guide or check out the Wikivoyage travel guide for Southern Papua New Guinea

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